Cameras to try

Well, this is indeed the best time to wait for the perfect camera to arrive. Although high end camera sales have literally collapsed (they are 50% of sales compared with 2012!). There seems to be more innovation than ever. So here’s a list of cameras I’m dying to try what with 4K arriving for video and 50MP at the top end.

  • Canon 5Ds. Yes I have lots of Canon glass and they are getting old, but the idea of a 50MP camera is well, just too amazing to believe. it is interesting to see how this old glass is still holding it’s value though. But the idea of going high-low. (That is Camera phone/pocket camera and medium format) is pretty interesting. There is also the coming 5D Mark IV which should be interesting.

Then there are the cameras which are portables which could be low mix:

  • Sony RX-100 Mark 4. This is just coming out and if it is as good as the original RX-100 it’s a real keeper. With 12MP effect resolution that would be incredible. If it has 4K video, wow!
  • Panasonic LX-100. This is 4K as well and a bit bigger, but at 12MP it could be really nice.
  • BlackMagic II. This is a 4K version of their compact camera, but really not for stills as well. 

Then there are the cameras that are nearly amazing:

  • Sony a7 and a9. If they would just fix their compressed RAW, they would seroiusly be at the top of my list.


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