PimpRig.com – Smack Ya Rig

PimpRig.com – Smack Ya Rig Up! – Corsair XMS2700 512MB DDR Memory
. This is a site really designed for game enthusiasts. I kind of love it. It has good reviews and this is the best review I’ve seen on memory. Explains what all those mean.
Corsair Memory Uses the XMS designator which stands for Extreme Memory Speed. The Corsair Sticks never claim to be any certain specific chip but do however guarantee that the Stick you buy is fully tested and functional at its advertised speed. Most Corsair sticks usually exceed the rating they are given at the factory. Corsair doesnt just fill your head by promising that It manufactures its stuff and not deliver. It does in fact assmeble it’s own memory on site!!! They guarentee that each and every stick will do at least it?s XMS speed rating. When you hear the name Corsair, you think of speed, quality and overclocking. Corsair has been offering quality memory since 1994, and they?ve always been upfront introducing new technologies Corsair caters to the enthusiast market in a big way providing the fastest most stable memory available. Corsair has earned the respect and admiration of overclockers and gamers providing low CAS latency and high speed memory.

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