Vortex of Sound. When Aureal

Vortex of Sound. When Aureal went bankrupt, there was no place to get drivers, or so I thought. Here is a place!

5 responses to “Vortex of Sound. When Aureal”

  1. Kristen Avatar

    Try these places. I found lot of drivers. Not a lot for Win XP, though. :/
    See ya,

  2. Rich Tong Avatar

    Yup, that site is now dead. I don’t think that there is any source left for these on the web anymore.

  3. soli Avatar

    I am really having a hard time findding the site “Vortex of Sound”. I need sound card drivers(aureal,au8810) for my system and I used to go this website, now I cant find the website…what happened? Do you know another place i can download these sound drivers for free, or do you have the exact link for this website? the on top does’nt work

  4. BazzA Avatar

    Bizzarely you get redirected to google.com if you go to vortexofsound.com now. Check out the WayBack Machine for versions of the site previous to the change (i haven’t tried this yet…)

  5. ray Avatar

    I am really having a hard time findding the site “Vortex of Sound”. I need sound card drivers(aureal,au8810) for my system and I used to go this website, now I cant find the website…what happened? Do you know another place i can download these sound drivers for free, or do you have the exact link for this website? the on top does’nt work

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