Continue reading →: pod: rt3. AI Hardware Introduction
This is another sort of nerdy side note. If anyone is still watching, this section is just to give intuition on the basics of the hardware. There are lots of assumptions about GPUs and CPUs that I wanted to make sure people understood. But the basics are that CPUs are…
Continue reading →: pod: dt6 AI Intro and Intuition
OK, we are not experts nor PhDs so most of this is probably not technically correct, but the math is so complicated and the concepts so complicated, that we thought it would be good to just get some intuition on what is happening. So this is a quick talk that…
Continue reading →: pod: New Tips OBS red vs blue, OBS outputs HDR, FCP generates Chapters, YouTube chapter trick
OK, well, the last post about how to get HDR output out of OBS worked! I even finally figured out how to make the objects work in OBS which is not obvious here are the things to know: Dealing with Red and Blue Windows with OBS OK, this is also…
Continue reading →: nas: When your Synology NAS 2FA fails, you are screwed! bag the SSDs
OK, I do the normal thing, I put 2FA on everything, but I have to say there are quite a few dangers here when you are doing it on your home NAS. In short, I have 2FA on all my Synology accounts, but in rebooting a NAS and swapping some…
Continue reading →: pod: do not forget to use mkv not mp4 in OBS and set for HDR
I thought I was saving a step by having OBS record directly into mp4 but I forgot the reason we use mkv. It’s because if OBS crashes you lose the whole mp4 so do the two steps. Use mkv and then run a remix tool in OBS when done. The…
Continue reading →: pod: Deon and Tong Review AI and Predict 2024
Well, thanks to Paul, Harel, and Julian, we collected a bunch of thoughts on what happened in 2023 and more importantly what folks think might happen in 2024. These thoughts are our own and I’m sure they are wrong, but I thought it might be useful to others to find…
Continue reading →: tech: Managing Zoom and Meets Backgrounds
Well, it seems like I still spend an infinite time on Zoom (and Google Meets) calls and I’ve finally found a good system for doing backgrounds. There have been lots of janky things where Zoom doesn’t like videos in a certain format and of course Google Meets doesn’t support videos…
Continue reading →: pod: Finally, a Fix for Apple Compressor waits forever
OK, I’ve been loving the OBS Studio to Final Cut Pro to Compressor to YouTube and Spotify Podcaster workflow. It’s a little janky, but like family, it works 🙂 One annoying problem is that the Apple Compressor will occasionally just stop working. The jobs are stuck. From seven years ago,…
av: Guide to IEMs, DACs, Preamps and Podcast Studios
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Continue reading →: av: Guide to IEMs, DACs, Preamps and Podcast StudiosWell, thanks to Lucas, I got some great advice about building up another Podcast Studio. I had previously built one at the start of the Pandemic and it has worked great, the core is a Rode NT-1A (which I famously mounted backwards), a Focusrite Scarlett 2×2, but in looking back…
Continue reading →: scan: new Vuescan Multicrop vs. Cropped Area, Image Type, and Loud Buzzing fixes
I’m not quite sure what I did, but when upgrading from Vuescan 9.8.27 to 9.8.28, my Minolta DiMage 5400 developed some major problems. On initialization, it would just emit a horrible buzzing (as a motor is just flailing away). This is a 20-year-old piece of hardware, so I think I…