Continue reading →: Strava vs. Training Peaks vs TrainerRoad
Strava. The social application for sharing your rides ($60/year) TrainingPeaks. Lots of graphs and charts like Training Stress Scores, TSS, as well as heart rate and power analysis and for communicating with e-coaches ($120/year) with extra fees for workouts TrainerRoad. For getting workouts ($190/year). Garmin Connect. This is actually a…
Continue reading →: Great Bike Shoes: Empire SLX and SH-RC9 Phyre
Well, now is not a bad time to get bike shoes, its the end of the season and a good time to take advantage of model changes. Here are some that are good choices (Cycling Week and Bike Rumor and Outdoor Gear Labs too): Giro Empire SLX. This is a…
Continue reading →: More Bike stuff, the return of Speedplay Zero and a power meter is coming!
I was really sad when wahoo ate up Speedplay pedals in 2019. I’ve been using Speedplay X1 pedals for years. They are super lightweight lollipops with just 160 grams of mass and lots of float. But, it turns out wahoo has simplified them back in a new and improved (and…
Continue reading →: Apple Watch Series 3 not recording VO2 max and short battery life
OK, this has been super annoying, but the last time I got a VO2 max rating from my Apple Watch was a year ago. Despite doing the resets and everything, deleting the calibration data and then doing a 20 minute walk nothing worked. But sometimes the definition of insanity is…
Continue reading →: Birthday Gifts of the Mundane: Vacuum Cleaner, Rice Cookers and Wine Glasses
You know you are growing up when you start asking for ordinary but necessary things. For instance, a great rice cooker or a good apartment vacuum cleaner is just what a Calvin could need. So, what are some high-quality, post-dorm-room things that you might hope to get? Vacuum Cleaners You…
Continue reading →: Getting ready to ride outside again… of firmware updates and new fangled bike tubes
Ok, so I’m starting to ride outside (yikes!) again, I literally have forgotten how to ride a bicycle outside and more importantly, when you are on a trainer, there are a zillion little things that you need to do to get ready for the outside. Firmware updates galore Well, the…
Continue reading →: Baby Back ribs, Chicken and Steak – ShareMyCook.com
Wow, trying the latest BBQ gizmo for a Kamada Joe egg barbecue, a Wifi connected, temperature controlled blower and it works incredibly well. This thing is expensive, but it is basically a pit temperature probe and then three food probes. You connect it all up, then put a plate on…
Continue reading →: Belkin Soundform Connect
Ok, I’ve been using a literally 10 year old Apple airport express to connect Apple devices to a stereo. But with airplay 2 out, one of the big features is that you can hang multiple airplay 2 devices together. So off to buy the way too expensive $99 airplay 2…
Continue reading →: Woohoo!!! M1 MacBook pros could be near
Mini LED 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro production begins https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/09/mini-led-14-inch-and-16-inch-macbook-pro-production-begins And, series 7 watch for those of us with series 3 and an eight hour battery life 🙂
Continue reading →: iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard Case
We’ve just loved the Magic Keyboard on the iPad Pro 12.9”. The thing is incredibly expensive ($349 for the 5th generation version and $199 for the 4th generation one), but it really works super well particularly with the touchpad support in iPadOS. So, now that we have it, it’s important…