Continue reading →: Christmast gifts
Well Christmas was wonderful this year and as always, there are some great lessons. First the mundane. Some great gifts that aI saw moving through. Some expensive some not, the: 1. Parrot Ar.Drone. This was listed as the top gift in USA Today. And although pricey and not for kids,…
Continue reading →: Photoshopping
I don’t use Photoshop very much for fixing photos. I actually like to get the exact image (which is why I spent way too much time with DxO and Spyder3Elite to make sure what the image was appears on the page). But there are times when it makes sense to…
Continue reading →: Printer profiling
I’ve been living with awful prints for a while. I used Red River 68lb Glossy Pro (they don’t make it anymore) and could just never get the profiles to work right. Everything looked so red. This used to work fine on my Windows machines on the same Canon i9900. I…
Continue reading →: Drool, drool the future
So Christmas is nearly here, but what is coming in 2012. Some good thoughts for: Android Phones Well they are so popular, I do kind of want to try one. But it is so complicated because of the warious upgrade paths. Heres a good summary of what is happening, but…
Continue reading →: San Francisco restaurants
Ones to try include 1. Slanted door. New Vietnamese in the ferry building 2. Park tavern. And I guess SF folks love deviled eggs of all sorts!
Continue reading →: Haiti and Cholera
A good discussion of what happened in Haiti and how it became a huge cholera outbreak area. In some ways it was inevitable because of the politcis of clean water. Sad but well documented in Wach Non Soley that talks aboiut how America blocked water projects in 2001 and thus there…
Continue reading →: Mirrorless cameras
Sitting with another buddy who loves cameras and has been going through all these mirrorless cameras fast. This is the most active area right now and I want one that has great quality and is also decent to use (not easy). Right now, the choices are: Fuji X10. Amazing image,…
Continue reading →: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer
Its so sad, I used to be so good at these games when they were on the PC and now on consoles, I’m just dead last in our house. There is a big shift from single player to multiplayer. Multiplayer isn’t really a combat simulation, but something else entirely. So…
Continue reading →: Izon isn't
Yuck why is it so hard to find a decent webcam. The izon looks nice and nice way to integrate. Like the time capsule when it starts it creates it’s own private network and I connect to that. But what a strange mess of software. There is no web UI.…
Continue reading →: Nook vs. Kindle Touch
Well, I’m not sure I’d get the Fire vs. the new iPad 3, but for reading books, it does seem like a dedicated device is the right answer. So is it Nook or is it Kindle? Both are $99, so what are the pros and cons? The pushes are: Identical…