Cool way to add music and lyrics to WordPress

I don’t often see how much WordPress has moved forward, but this is definitely one of them. It used to be really hard to embed things into WordPress posts (Medium is the same way, you can’t add bullets, you can’t add videos, afaik). But they have an incredible number of things that they can embed.
You can use copy and paste a youtube URL into the visual editor mode and it automatically places a video right there. And there are host of things that I didn’t expect. For instance, you embed eBooks, Eventbrite, Houzz, Twitter, Getty Images, Facebook, Instagram and it doesn’t require plugins. All these things get the right embedding code automatically on paste. Nice!
Also if you do have something cool like say the Genius lyric annotation, then you can copy their embed code and go to the HTML mode and just paste it in and it works. Nice job!

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