DFI and OCZ compatiblity

DRAM Settings for DFI NF4 (all) VX, TCCD/TCC5, BH-5, 3200 Gold & General BIOS Info – Forums on the BleedinEdge. Wow what a great site I just found that talks about really making OCZ fly. Nice to have a memory vendor who knows their audience.

Some quick things I learned:

* All OCZ memory seem to work better with the -2 variants. They recommend the 5120-2, 704-2BT, 704-2BTA. Put the memory into the yellow slots. As always depending on board revisions, some do better with the -3 (all official BIOS are -3 based). Others work better with orange slots. The true power nerd has to try two sets of BIOS and two sets of memory cards.
* The Tref in the Dram settings seem to need the most tweaking, they reocmmend 3120 or 4708 for TCCD/TCC5 memory which would include the OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev 2, PC3700 Platinum , PC4200 Platinum and PC4800 Platinum). You need to have this when overclocking above 250MHz FSB
* Tref of 0648 works bets for VX or 3200/3500 Gold/GX memory
* The true nerd should try 0648, 0780, 1168, 0016, 0032, and 2336 and this might work better.
* Don’t use this board with a 20 pin PSU
* If you don’t boot, this happens with OCZ VX quite a bit. Make sure you only use the Orange slots for the official or -3 BIOS.
* To test memory, boot one stick in slot 2 (the farthest orange slot from the CPU). If one boots, but the other doesn’t you have a bad memory stick.

This site also has specific and very detailed notes on settings for memory. For instance for a late model San Diego or Venice, Winchester, Hammer or Newcastle with OCZ VX, 3200 Gold or 3500 Gold GX (that is CH-5 memory, here are the setting needed. Here are the settings for the Genie BIOS:

16 or 14
03 or 02
02 or 01
03 or 02
0648, 2560 or 3120 (0648 has worked on many systems)
level 8
level 2
DRAM Respnse Time: fast or normal (as needed if your BIOS has this feature.)

In Genie Bios

200 and higher (start at 230mhz or so and work up)
16 16
7 (for testing, then adjust for max overclock)
1.300v [/b](This is about 1.57v, if you need more do not go past 1.45v here, use more the 123% below, there is a reason ) [b]
above VID * 123%
3.3v-3.4v (up to 3.5v for Gold and Gold GX)

Also there is this strange thing called Drive strength and here are the settings for TCCD/TCC5 try 3, 5 or 7. I f you have the OCZ VX or the new BH Gold then try 8 or 6

I’m Rich & Co.

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