Canon i9900 and 8×10

Digital Darkroom Forum: Can anyone brint borderless 8×10 on Canon i9900?.It is a ridiculous issue, but apparently, Canon doesn’t let you set arbitrary sizes for your paper. So the very common 8×10 isn’t supported, although 8.5×11 is. How wierd.
Here is how I do it with my Canon i9900 and Photoshop CS2, I just fake the Photoshop out into printing an 8×10 onto what it thinks is an 8-1/2×11 piece of paper.
# Select the crop tool and the box should be 8 inches by 10 inches to get the right aspect ratio and press enter to crop
# Choose File/Print with Preview
## Click on Page Setup and choose Paper Size Letter and Orientation Landscape (assuming you’ve got a landscape photo). Click on OK
## in the Scale Print Size, enter 8 inches and 10 inches, in the Position, you want in the lower leftof the 8-1/2×11, so unclick Center image and enter Position Top as 0.5 and Position Left as 0 inch
# Now in Color Management, if you have Red River Paper, then color handling is Let Photoshop Determine Colors, Printer Profile is RR 68lb UPGloss Cani9900 Fine and Render Intent is Relative Colormetric (the manual actually recommends Perceptual, but Relative works better for me) and click on Black Point Compensation on.
# Choose Print and click on Properties, select Media Type Photo Paper Pro, Print Quality Custom and click set, Select Quality Fine and choose OK
# Choose Color Adjustment Manual and make uncheck Enable ICM
# Make sure Print before Preview is *not* selected. This causes bugs in the color reproduction.
# Select OK and out it comes
# Choose Page setup and Borderless Printing
The workaround from this helpful site is:
) Creat a 13×19 white (or transparent) document of appropriate color depth and resolution in your image editor
2) Select, copy and paste your 8×10 image into the 13×19 document, and align the image to the upper left-hand corner of the document
3) Load your i9900 printer with your 8×10 paper
4) Instruct your image editor / Canon i9900 printer driver to print the borderless 13×19 document with your preferred paper type and image quality settings (whatever you’ve determined is optimal for this stock)
I have an older S9000, but I’ve played similar tricks on it, successfully getting it to produce borderless prints on stock sizes not supported by the driver, but within the dimensions of other supported borderless stock sizes (4×6, 8.5×11 — the only borderless print sizes it supports).

One response to “Canon i9900 and 8×10”

  1. kingkong Avatar

    I’ve been scouring the net to find out why my prints on my i9900 do no turn out so well. I came across your blog, and it sounds like you have figured it out! I have a canon 20D. but just started doing home prints.
    Would you mind if I asked you some questions re: printing and Photoshop CS?

I’m Rich & Co.

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