Video and Photo Editors

Now that I’m full bore doing digital pictures, the question is what should you use for editing. There are three tracks: a) getting professional software mainly from Adobe for hundreds of dollars, b) getting amateur stuff for dozens or c) living with freeware.
H2. Amateur Software
This prosumer software has gotten quite good, so it is probably the best compromise for most folks. Here sare some recommendations. You can try out most “Adobe”: products, so don’t be shy to try them first.
* Adobe Elements 4.0. This is just $90 and it includes 16-bit color editing which you need for high resolution scanning plus it is a little easier to understand than its big brother. Photoshop CS.
* Jasq Paintshop Pro. A lower cost verion of Photoshop CS they say
* Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0. Has gotten good reviews. You can now get it and Elements 4.0 for just $128 according to “Pricegrabber”:,__12596469/sort_type=bottomline
* Roxio. A general purpose DVD and CD burning package and it has simple video editing too.
H2. Professional Software
Adobe seems to lead the pack here because it has so many plug-ins
* Adobe Photoshop CS. Yes, it is $300, but it what the pros use.
* Adobe Premiere. Also $600, but again what the pros use.
h2. Freeware
Ok, for the turly adventuresome, go for it!
* GIMP – Windows installers. A freeware tool

I’m Rich & Co.

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