HI-TECH Bikes – Mountain Bikes,

HI-TECH Bikes – Mountain Bikes, Road , Triathelete, Time Light parts 101
Here you will find listings of the lighest parts we are
able to procure. Some parts have rider wieght limits
which we will post and some have recomdations.
Saddles, AX Lightness 85grams, not available, working
on it.
SLR 135 gram
SLR Evolution, not really and evo just carbon impreg
Flight EVO3 supposed to be 99gr, get real they are
Flight TT 165gr
Seatpost only one light one, USE carbon Alien 140gr.
Stems only one ITM THE STEM 95-105 gr.
H-bar, lightest is the Easton but not by much 190gr.
Forks, AME Alpha Q sub3, 1 1/8″ 325gr true, 1″
under 300gr.
Skewers, ADA quick release 52gr pr., Extreme quick
release 51gr, Control Tech 5mm 49gr.
Bottle cages King ti 28gr, Zipp carbon 33gr
Tire levers King ti 9gr pr.
Cable housing Gore fiber optic save 30%, Meta wire
save 30%
Wheels, LEW KOM tub 995gr, ZIPP Z3 tub 995gr.
Am/Cl 1320gr clinchers.
Tires Conti Supersonic 20mm 140gr,Veloflex 23mm
Pave 180gr
Cranks LEW 325gr arms only, FSA new full carbon
w/rings 575gr, Campy carbon w/rings 494gr
LITESPEED Ghisallo, we have one built up in the store,12.75lbs. Look HSC3 fork, full D/A, King headset, Easton bar, ITM The Stem, USE Alien post, SLR saddle, ZIPP 303 wheels, Special price $5999.00

I’m Rich & Co.

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