Welcome to Tongfamily

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Welcome to the Tong Family web site. Courtesy of www.imconline.com. This site is for the use of the extended Tong and Mao clan. It’s always a work in progress, but here’s a short list of family members. Click on their names to send them mail. This page has been viewed (hit counter) times since December 19, 1997.

What’s New?

Finally, a big update of this site including

  • Online stores. Now I’m an affiliate for Barnes & Noble and Reel.com. Check it out!
  • www.hawaiibeachhome.com. Check out Pascalm’s new website. Some great places there
  • www.thecybermom.com Claire Wadlington of Stanford GSB’s fame great website. Way cool
  • Listserver. Thanks to LinkExchange, I know have my own list service. Wow, how cool. Join it today
  • Buying guide given that I’m buying everything online these days
  • Home theater buying guide set so I’ve put in a discussion so that I don’t have to always to go FrontPage to put new things in it
  • PC buying since I probably recommend a PC a month right now for various people. Finally, I’ll add additional pictures
  • Laser disk or DVD buying guide. Latest and best places to buy them.
  • Hot lists. I finally got to updating this with my favorite and most technically interesting sites.
  • www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/6369/ is the my new geocities web site as a placeholder. Other sites for the rest of the family will go up there.Experiments with link and other exchanges. First example is the hit counter supplied Link Exchange  
    LE Fastcounter

Coming Soon

  • Movie reviews. I’m going to put a list of my favorites movies. It is said you can understand me from the movies that I watch
  • Online trading and investments. I’m getting into this right now and will have some recommendations soon.
  • Seattle restaurant and site recommendations. I’ve got to start the list of good places to stay and eat.

Rich Tong

Ok, it is true I do things besides just being a geek. Here I am with little Alex at one year old. Click here to get the full 40K JPEG and also for a brand new baby Calvin

Connie Mao

The darling person who made me come up to Seattle…right now, she’s doing research at University of Washington after having spent a few years working in a small private practice and Virginia Mason. Here she is enjoying a beautiful day on Lake Washington.Connie with the family on Mike Nash’s boat. Click here for 40K JPEGs. Alex and Connie with the bottle looking scared on Mike’s boat. Click hereAnother bottle shot on Mike’s boat. Click hereAlex screaming on Mike’s boat. Click hereAlex TongAnd the cute little babester born October 29, 1994 (same day as Jim Allchin and day before Bill Gates…how’s that for good luck). In the year of the Dog no less. I’ve split all his many pictures and memories to a separate Alex Home Page. You can also check out the latest photos of Alex at 3 1/2, he doesn’t read, but you can tell he sure would like to.Calvin TongAnd the cute little babester has arrived August 21, 1996. He even has his own homepage now.Here he is at 1 1/2 years. Can’t really tell who he looks like…Jennie MaoNow an OB/GYN over in Seattle. She works at Providence.Dave Tong and Mimi YenariYes, I’m the oldest of three brothers. Dave is an Assistant Professor of Neurology. As is his wife Mimi. They are both at Stanford. We’re a hyper modern family, so we all have Web sites: Check out Dave’s Web site. He mainly treats stroke patients. Mimi has a Web site. She mainly does research Peter TongPeter designs ICs for NVidia. They are doing graphics accelerators. He’s a slave to his work as Linda will tell you. They are right now about to IPO. We are so proud that Pete took part in a design that is used in over 1M PCs. Before that, Pete worked at Sun Microsystems for years also in IC design.Ken and May TongFinally, my parents live down in Des Moines south of the airport. He’ll also give you an earful about how Windows 95 is on his 8MB 486/25SX if you are not careful.

Send mail to Rich Tong with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 Richard C. Tong, All Rights Reserved
Last modified: November 21, 1998

I’m Rich & Co.

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